Jeanyoon Choi

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My Interpretation of Hyperobject: Accelerating Interactionn

7/16/2024, 6:31:30 PM | Jeanyoon Choi

My Interpretation of Hyperobject: Accelerating Interactionn
Original Notes (Pre-LLM)

My Interpretation of Hyperobject: Accelerating Interaction

Hyperobject, starts from our hand, 우리의 손 안에 있다가, 우리의 컨트롤 안에 있다가, but unprecedently - it’s usually too late when we notice this - we realise that it’s out of our control, and there’s really nothing that we can do about it.

Financial Market - Started by us, nothing that we can do about it.

Climate Change - Started by us, nothing that we can do about it.

Neural Network - Started by us, nothing that we can do about it.

My interaction design – accelerating interaction — starting from a very subtle simple interaction, but leads into gradual chaos – also inspired by accelerationism - as shown in ‘W’, ‘Nonequality’, ‘Bigger Dreams’, ‘Factory 4.0’, and many others… represent this accelerationsim… Hyperobject, showing the world we’re living in…. I would rather affirmative and enjoy this chaos as a result rather than denying them (The most prominent act of denial - is to trying to comprehend this with human rational, most notably via mathematics)

One simple primitive idea to sketch this interaction:

Single Phone and Single Screen MDWA. Single Phone: Initially the text appears (To Press) on the mobile. When user presses, pause-and-play interaction on the screen - the video should be presented unprecedently (wow effect), and disappear when user not presses any more. Present & playing when user presses again. After 8s or so, next keyword - To Click, To Write, To Send (All related to contemporary smartphone/digital interaction), and as interaction deepens, these keywords, which started from more active keywords - transmits into keywords indicating more passive interaction (To see, to blink, to scroll, to swipe, to FaceID, to Siri, To EEG, ….). As these passive interactions show, the time period of each iteration shortens - 8s to 1s - and after a certain moment, the interaction is automated - keyword is pressed and videos are played before the user even notices what’s happening. The whole screen videos are overlapped and automated, bling bling effect…

This shows how our daily digital interaction became more passive almost placed within our subconscious - and also more technologies are out there (EEG, Brain Chips) to make it even more passive and subconscious - and thus we created another area of hyperobject within the field of digital interaction. Digital interactions used to be within the domain of our control - we can choose what to see and how to think accordingly. Nowadays, things reversed - it’s out of our control, and it is the algorithm that controls our interaction, nuding us what to see and how to think accordingly.

Key References: Richard Serra Verb List / Semiotics of the Kitchen

English Version (LLM-Generated)

Hyperobject is an interesting concept which begins within our sphere of control, but soon transcends our grasp. Like many things, we often only become aware of this lack of control when it is already too late to influence it. This concept is not purely theoretical, but can be identified in various dynamics we face today, such as climate change, neural network operations, and even financial markets. Each of these aspects, although initially shaped and influenced by us, ultimately grow beyond our reach.

My interpretation of this idea manifests as an interaction design centred on accelerating interactions. Beginning with something simple and subtle, the interaction evolves into an inevitable chaos. This development is inspired by the idea of accelerationism. It can be seen in projects such as 'W', 'Nonequality', 'Bigger Dreams' and 'Factory 4.0'. These works all aim to depict the chaotic world we live in – which I prefer to affirmatively embrace, rather than deny its existence.

In trying to understand this chaos, I have used a simple, primitive idea. I initiated the "Single Phone and Single Screen MDWA." With text appearing on the phone screen, a user presses to pause and play the video. This interaction aims to create a surprising "wow" effect. As the interaction deepens, the keywords prompting the user change from active to more passive ones such as 'to blink', 'to scroll', 'to swipe'. Each phase of interaction becomes shorter, accelerating from initial 8 seconds to a mere 1 second; the interaction then becomes fully automated.

This portrayal illustrates how technological development has transformed our daily digital interaction from active participation to an almost subconscious acceptance of prompts. We are gradually losing control over digital interactions, ceding control to algorithms that determine what we see and how we think. This evolution resonates with the concept of Hyperobject, subtly redefining control boundaries and creating an unstoppable momentum of change. Richard Serra's Verb List and the Semiotics of the Kitchen have been important references in this exploration.

Korean Version (LLM-Generated)

하이퍼오브젝트의 해석: 가속화된 상호작용 하이퍼오브젝트는 우리의 손 안에서, 우리의 통제 안에서 시작되지만, 예상치 못하게 - 이를 인식했을 때는 보통 너무 늦어버렸습니다 - 우리는 그것이 우리의 통제 밖에 있으며, 우리가 할 수 있는 일이 거의 없다는 것을 깨닫게 됩니다. 금융 시장 - 우리가 시작했지만, 할 수 있는 일이 없습니다. 기후 변화 - 우리가 시작했지만, 할 수 있는 일이 없습니다. 신경망 - 우리가 시작했지만, 할 수 있는 일이 없습니다. 저의 상호작용 디자인 – 가속화된 상호작용 – 아주 미묘하고 단순한 상호작용에서 시작하여 점차적인 혼돈으로 이어지며, 이는 ‘W’, ‘Nonequality’, ‘Bigger Dreams’, ‘Factory 4.0’ 등에서 보여지는 가속주의에 영감을 받았습니다. 하이퍼오브젝트는 우리가 살고 있는 세상을 보여줍니다. 저는 이러한 혼돈을 부정하기보다는 결과로서 긍정하고 즐기고자 합니다 (부정을 가장 잘 나타내는 행위는 인간의 이성으로 이를 이해하려는 시도이며, 특히 수학을 통해 이를 시도하는 것입니다). 이 상호작용을 스케치하기 위한 간단한 원시적인 아이디어: 단일 휴대전화와 단일 스크린 MDWA. 단일 휴대전화: 처음에는 텍스트가 휴대전화에 나타납니다 (누르기). 사용자가 누르면 화면에서 일시정지 및 재생 상호작용이 예기치 않게 발생하며 (놀라운 효과), 사용자가 더 이상 누르지 않으면 사라집니다. 다시 누르면 나타나고 재생됩니다. 약 8초 후, 다음 키워드 - 클릭하기, 쓰기, 보내기 (모두 현대 스마트폰/디지털 상호작용과 관련) 등이 나타납니다. 상호작용이 깊어질수록, 더 활동적인 키워드에서 더 수동적인 상호작용을 나타내는 키워드로 전환됩니다 (보기, 눈 깜빡이기, 스크롤하기, 스와이프하기, FaceID, Siri, EEG 등). 이러한 수동적인 상호작용이 나타날 때마다 각 반복의 시간이 8초에서 1초로 점점 짧아집니다. 그리고 어느 순간 이후에는 상호작용이 자동화되어 키워드가 눌려지고 비디오가 사용자도 모르게 재생됩니다. 전체 화면 비디오가 겹쳐지고 자동화되어 반짝반짝 효과가 나타납니다. 이것은 우리의 일상적인 디지털 상호작용이 점점 더 수동적이고 거의 무의식적인 상태가 되었다는 것을 보여줍니다. 또한 더 많은 기술 (EEG, 뇌 칩)이 나와 이를 더욱 수동적이고 무의식적으로 만듭니다. 이렇게 해서 우리는 디지털 상호작용 분야에서도 또 다른 하이퍼오브젝트 영역을 만들어냈습니다. 디지털 상호작용은 원래 우리의 통제 범위 내에 있었고, 우리는 무엇을 보고 어떻게 생각할지 선택할 수 있었습니다. 그러나 오늘날에는 상황이 역전되어 알고리즘이 우리의 상호작용을 통제하며, 우리가 무엇을 보고 어떻게 생각할지 알려주고 있습니다. 주요 참고 자료: Richard Serra Verb List / Semiotics of the Kitchen


Interaction Design



Financial Market

Climate Change

Neural Network

Accelerating Interaction

Single Phone

Single Screen


To Press

To Click

To Write

To Send

To See

To Blink

To Scroll

To Swipe

To FaceID

To Siri


Brain Chips

Richard Serra Verb List

Semiotics of the Kitchen

Text written by Jeanyoon Choi

Ⓒ Jeanyoon Choi, 2024